It really hurts to do this, considering everything everone has been through, but I have to do it. I know there's been a lot of confusion about this blog and me, so I want to lay it all to rest.
As you know, Mr. Briscoe has been working diligently to get this blog taken down despite my wishes. I understand that he's trying to protect the family, and I respect that. But, I don't want to be silenced. Not after everything I've gone through.
I just want to say thank you to everyone who has been supportive (or at least fair) of my viewpoint. I will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers. It is because of you that I have found the strength to continue my struggle for real justice. And for all of you who continue to vilify me, I can only hope that you will one day open your eyes and see what you have done to an innocent human being. Your callous lack of remorse in your collective attempts to destroy this family disgusts me. But I won't be afraid of you anymore.
For everyone who doubts who this is, and the truth of what I write, I want you to watch this video very carefully:
In case this blog gets taken down, I will do my best to continue to fight for my side of the story here:
«Oldest ‹Older 1001 – 1091 of 1091Too Bad anonny-Mouse at 5:43pm Nov 5 has to hide behind a no name. Thats because "IT" is a hideous creature, afraid to state its name. That post is probably the same one the created this blog.
And by the way, I LOVE LORI DREW !!!!
Anonymous on Nov 5 at 5:43 pm - -
Who cares what you think, you little twerp? Your opinion is totally not worth doggy doo-doo.
If brains were dynamite, you wouldnt have enough to blow your nose, you little maggott.
leave Lori alone, bless her heart.
i make poo in my diaper
i eat poo from my diaper, taste like chicken
Funny, when I eat chicken, it taste like poo
Dude, seriously? Lori Drew is a sick woman didn't things turn sexual for awhile? So really besides the suicide shes a sexual predator! No better than any other pervert in a chat room! this is just crazy and disgusting I think her children should be taken away and have rape kits done.
seriously bless her heart? What heart? Lori Drew should get the same treatment. or fish hooks ripping her apart as people call her a fat slut and laugh. I'm down! shes IS fat.... and kinda looks like a fish/toad. i hope she gets skull-fucked by the entire NFL.
My dearest darling Summer,
Yes, sweetie pie, bless Lori's heart. She is such a sweet and wonderful person. Even Lori has a mommy who loves her. She probably feels a tad bad about what happened, but then, who is perfect? Have you never made a mistake or done something wrong?
Huggs and kisses to Lori Drew
your a fucking bitch and so is your daughter I hope your daughter goes through the same crap. You deserve it you bitch
My my, here it is Christmas Eve, and you are being so naughty. I think Santa is going to bring you nothing but poo-poo for your stocking. Behave yourself now, and tell Lori Drew that you love her, and that she is a nice lady. Hug and kiss and make up now kiddies.
u r one sick person, may ur life be a living hell
Anonymous said...
u r one sick person, may ur life be a living hell
December 27, 2009 1:14 PM
Shame shame, no one knows your name.
You naughty person,you.
Bless Lori's pea pickin' heart.
Anonymous said...
u r one sick person, may ur life be a living hell
December 27, 2009 1:14 PM
Hey - Stick it in your ear...who cares what you think, you big clod hopper. Your brother was an only child.
My heart pants for Lori, I like her so very much
oooooo--eeeee---ooooo-aaaahhh-aaahhhh----ting tang, walla walla bing bang,, etc etc
It was a one eyed, one horned flying purple people eater...(Purple people?)
Ohhhhhhh puhhh-leeeze. I mean like, man, like wow, it was like you know like wow while I was barfing up my lunch, and re-eating it...nothing better than a hot meal, like, you know? Like I mean you know what I mean it is to say you know, like okay when you know like wow, barf me out
Seriously? wtf? Megan had is comming? really? Your a fucking bitch. your the lowest of the low. Your a fucking stuck up heart less bitch. Your and your daughter are the worst the world has to offer. Your a bitch, your daughter's a whore. and here your trying to defend know I hope you go throw this. I hope karma kicks you in the fucking ass. I hope your daughter gets an STD and dies. and when you die I hope its slow and painful. ROT IN HELL BITCH!
Now, now. Lori is a nice lady, who never meant no body no harm no ways. She be sweet, kind, considerate, lovely, intelligent, and so much more. you not nice telling her to have bad things happen to her. That make you a bad person, even badderest than you making her out to be. shame shame on you, you naughty person you.
I iz axen you, now has you ever committed suicide before? iffen not, how cans you be a judge, jury, and executioner? You so not nice to bad mouf miss lori.
You are a big fat liar, Lori Drew! HOW could you do something like this to a 13 year old girl! Your the adult in this? HA! you are the child! You did this! Ashley should not get the blame! you should! It was you idea! take responsiblity for your actions! dont cower behind your computer. Its done nothing good for you! AT ALL!
She dinna do nuttin but what dem dere teen ager punks do alla time, play silly game wiff da pooter, so do a favor and SHADDUP !!! Lori nice lady.
All right folks, I want this bickering stopped, and stopped RIGHT NOW !!!! Do you understand me? I want no more of this back and forth fighting, or I will be forced to do something drastic, like maybe express my own opinion. End of Discussion, do I make myself clear? I CANT HEAR YOU !!! I STILL CANT HEAR YOU !!!!!
Oh yea ? Well, then, you gonna has to make me, big man !!! Put up or Shaddddup !!
How did I get this way
It was the boy next door
who laid me on the floor
My mommy was surprised
To see my tummy rise
Now I cant go out to play
Because I am due in May
Dont forget - Today is the tomorrow you were thinking about yesterday.
Thoughts of the thoughtful thinker
"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine,
You make me happy when I am sad,
Please dont take my sunshine away"
hee hee hee hee hee hee hee
Sup, Bro ?????
Nuttin' Honey
As my good and faithful friend, Archie Bunker would say - - "Stifle !!!"....
Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
Well FUCK YOU. I don't care if you're the original bitch or just a fake; you're SICK. And that lori bitch can go to hell. Megan was a beautiful girl who had a future ahead of her, unlike you. I hope you die, lori.
How kins enny bodys kritisize poor liddle Lori ? She bees so nice, she be does good thangs, i izza tellin yall. now yall leeve her alone, now, ya here?
Ima axen youse, why iz all a yall pickin on that gal? shes be a reely nice ladie. know whut i mean? know whut i is sayin?
oh and by dee way, i likes a bein anoumus. i likes this hyar bloggie
alamander left, take yer podnuh and spin 'em right, you put your left leg in and shake it all about,
but whut scares me is - - What if the HokeyPokey IS what its all about ???/ Nyuk Nyuk Nyuk
Whether Lori Drew created this account or not, she's a sick bitch. She's the reason WHY we have capital punishment. So much for responsibility in parents. I'd be happy to come after her with a chainsaw myself. If God himself can ever forgive her, I can only pray that he has mercy on her soul. I don't think anyone else can.
I kins has fergiveness fer her, cause I likes her. she meened no harm, jus hasing a little fun, whuts rong with dat? duz you never duz nothing rong, never? you shood be shamed yourself, you bad person you dat posted on May 10th. you are so rude. Lori be a nice ladie. she needs luvin also. I livs her, I fergives her, even tho she not did nuttin rong.
Fucking whore. Go kill yourself. You feel happy? You feel glad you did it? If so, you are nothing but a fucking heartless, cold bitch! Fuck you, fuck your family. Go die in a fire. You were probebly some failed abortion.
Now how dids yew nose dat? I was a dribble down me mommies laig. But i still luvs little lori poo. she my frend. she bees sweet like aple pye. my o my, i likes her so much i thinks i goes kraz in the by and by
whut bees a failed whatchamacallit ?? i nots nose. tells me so i kins no.
sides, yew should not be saysing bad talk in here. yew using bad words, thats not nice. now say sorry and be nice you rat fink
hay - I like-a say sumpin...kins i sez sumpin? I likes ta talk to, ya no ? no whut i sez?
Thats all I gotta say !!!
Abra Cadabra, Sesame - - Begone this ignorant blog, that only ignorant people blog on
this is fucking shit!
you killed a girl my age and act like shit never happened. you know what im happy people hate you!
im happy your kid had to drop out of school. your a sick evil person and when you die heavan nor hell will let you in.
she never had it coming. she was 13for god sake, 13! you killed a 13 year old girl. who make a myspace and pretends to be a 16 year old boy? only sick cold hearted people. i hope your happy with yourself you killed a teenage girl because your kid was such a baby she cant take it when one kid ONE FREAKING KID didnt want to be her friend. are you going to do that every time you kid cant handle herself? are you going to push more kids to kill them selfs cuz you a bad mother. all of you need to grow up! you took someone elses life. you killed any dreams of hers and her family. YOU yeah you. not anyone else. your a freaking adult act like one! this is so stupid your fighting people on the web, because you could act like a adult and walk you butt down the road to thier house and sit down with the family and ask why thier daughter didnt what to be friend with yours, you know what karma is going to come kick your ass some more and you'll have to live with what you did for the rest of you life. no one will ever forgive you. so you know what, just stop being a prick and man the hell up. cuz you have a whole lot of crap headin' your way
oh one more thing
Hey "The Only Real Person Here"
You aint even real. You are a fraud, just like all the rest of these posters, myself included. Why dont you just crawl in a hole, eat worms, and die like a dirty dog, uou slime ball!!!! Anybody that picks on Lori is a sicko, so you must be a sicko.
Your most humble servant,
Me !
And not only that, you cant even spell Person - - it is P E R S O N, not PRESON
Your a fuckin disgrace. You'll pay 4 this one day, hopefully itll be soon.
Your lucky your dealing with the system as oppose 2 me cos i wudnt hesitate 2 slit your fuckin throat and any1 else involved
Anonymous said...
Your a fuckin disgrace. You'll pay 4 this one day, hopefully itll be soon.
Your lucky your dealing with the system as oppose 2 me cos i wudnt hesitate 2 slit your fuckin throat and any1 else involved
June 21, 2010 3:04 AM
Hmmmm....sum buddy kant spale very goot kin thay ? or mebbe day tink day texting hyar....dummy
not only dat, yoo fergitted punksheeashun marks in ur tiping ya big dum dum
Love Me Tender
Love mer Sweet
Why Dont you
Kiss my smelly feet??
Love me Tender
Love me like grass
then kindly
kiss my tee hee hee
Lori is such an inspiration to me. I admire her very much. Keep up the good work, my very good friend Lori.
I am certainly glad there is someone else out there that admires Lori. I believe she is undeservedly being harassed and picked on. Keep the faith Lori !
just wanted you to know what i think of you lori, so here goes;
you are a disgusting, evil monster and i hope you get whats coming to you, you may as well have put the belt around her neck you sad sad person. i hope you burn in hell and dont bother praying for ANYONE im sure nobody would want someone like YOU to pray for them. "THE WORLD WOULD BE A BETTER PLACE WITHOUT YOU"!!!
Oh come on now, Lori is a sweet and wonderful person. She deserves only happiness, so you are correct - I hope she gets what she deserves, a long and happy life, filled with pleasure. Bless you Lori
"When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary".....and yada yada yada, blah blah blah.....
Viva La France !!!
Long live the King !! (Or Queenie)...
Viva La Company...
"Frankly, My dear, I dont give a hoot"...hee hee hee and a Lah Dee Dah to boot
"Deja Vue all over again"
And you can quote me on quoting me about quoting me..okey dokey smokey??
I am ordering Chinese....anybody want to order with me ???
Got a job driving a garbage truck...5 bucks an hour, and all I can eat !!!!
Merry Christmas Lori.
And be very blessed !
Happy Holidays, Dearie.
Let me be the first to wish you a ever so very happy new year.
May you be richly blessed with so much happiness !
How neat, I gits ta be da first one of dis here new year to say Happy New Year Dear ! I make poem, I be a poet and dont no it.
May you walk happy roads alla time. Bless ya.
And did I mention, or even say, or happen to tell you,
Happy 1-1-11
Hey - DaNewGuy09 - - You naughty, naughty person you. You should be ashamed of yourself. Lori is a sweet, sweet, person. Iffen you dont know her, you cant criticize her. So as Archie Bunker would say - "Stifle"!!!! In other words, shut your big fat mouth !!!!
Hey - Lori's Biggest Fan,
I am right there with you.
I dont likes it when peoples pick on Lori. I am axen you, what she ever did to all these people who trashin' her?
Peace and love, everybody
Great Kooka-Booga and CowaBunga, Dude !!!
I be Clarabelle the clown. Honk, honk..
Hey there, Clarabelle. Like the sailor said, "Long time no see (sea)" hee hee hee
Lori and Ashley will forever be thought of as being as bad as a sexual predator. I've seen individuals convicted for similar offenses.
But thank you Lori Drew and Ashley. Thanks to your ignorance, maliciousness, and vicious actions, states all over America are pushing law-makers to create laws to protect our youth online and to successfully convict predators like you.
I realize that Drew has been harassed by everyone angry about her actions but she will forever be considered a killer who got away with it in my book.
Senor Ripley,
Got away with what? She never done got convicted of nothing. So how senora, can she get away with something she never done did?
I ax you that. Does you gots a answer ?
"You aint nothin' but a hound dog"
The mere name of this blog identifies you for the grotesque, self-serving human being you are. Fair? Yeah, sing us another one.
Okey Dokey Smokey - I sing you a song - -
Doan bee krool to a hart thats troo
Its my party and i'll cry if i wanna
boo hoo waaa waaa
sob sob
You're fucked up, I hope someone sticks a metal pole up your vagina and makes you bleed dry and leave you rotting with your eye lids cut open in sahara.
See you in hell - Lori Drew a.k.a Fucking Bitch!
hay joon 22 and 25 posters -
Lori so sweet, she be a good girl.
yoo be bad peeple to make bad remarks bout her, ya no ??
Well, if it quacks like a duck, waddles like a duck,
its probably a rabbit.
lol, flame wars are flaming.
I know this blog and writer are long gone, but shame on you. Telling your side on a blog is one thing, but "Megan Had it Coming?" NO ONE has murder coming to them. You killed her with your cruel words and joke.
lori is the biggest fucking bitch on this earth. both her and her immature family need to burn in hell for all of eternity. WHO the fuck makes a fake account to protect their daughter by messing with the life of someone else's daughter. and after, they didnt even have the guts to confess. i hope they all die in freak accidents like final destination and suffer a long painful death.
I know I'm very late on this, but as someone who has been cyber bullied herself. I wanted to leave my opinion on Lori Drew, and the rest of her family, and everyone who helped her on the fake account. All you you sicken me. It's one thing for teenagers to do this to each other, but for an adult to do this to a 13 year old? I cannot understand what would drive a person to act so childish. I would never wish death on anyone, because that would put me at your level (well not at your lever I'm not a murderer.) but, to be quite honest, I would not be upset if you all died. I just don't understand how an someone can get away with this, especially an adult! Megan did not "have it coming"! Just because someone is depressed, does not mean they are going to kill themselves! I would know. I cannot believe that you think it's okay to harass, and essentially murder a child. Just because it was done through the anonymity of the internet does not make it any better than id you just went up to Megan and shot her in the face, you all deserve to burn in hell. Rest in Peace Megan.
I am a REAL cat and can type in English for 60 seconds after a bong hit. This blog is aweow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow
Jason Fortuny you may think you are accomplishing a lot in terms of your view of "Justice." But what you have done was evil. I hope that someone finds out all your personal info just so your victims as well as the proper authorities would put you through what you put that girl through. It's people like you that is the reason why the government is trying to take back control of the internet. You are nothing but a bully and a sociopath that think's your god among mortals when in actuality you are nothing but a sad impotent little punk that needs a lesson in manners. I hope you are a religious person because now is the time for you to pray to your respective deity before it preys on you.
You just fucked your own life pig!, your life and the life of your ugly pig doughter. So hey!, congrats asshole, you will not live for good again!.
Whoever made this, fuck you. If this is the stupid, ugly fat cunt that KILLED megan, I hope you rot in the deepest darkest places of hell. I hope you have to sleep with one eye open at night, frightened someone might burn your house down with you and your ugly fat shit stain of a daughter in it. You nasty fucking pig. Guess what? THE WORLD hates you. HA Fucking cunt.
Sick,seriously disturbed people.
Too true Jamie,proper sicko.
Oh my God I just saw this story. I am sure this is probably not Lori but just in case> I hope you kill yourself you fat useless cunt. i feel sorry for your daughter who you forced to to this with you.
wow. megan had it coming?
are you an actual adult? because I'm confused - bi-polar or not, you bullied a kid...the kid committed suicide and rather than feel an ounce, even an ounce of remorse, you continue to bully her family, her friends, her memory.
you - are one prize cunt. and a smelly one at that.
I'd say that it's only unfortunate that it wasn't YOU that didn't hang themselves in that closet...but the closet probably wouldn't support your big fat ass.
and I'm guessing that that's what your problem is - you're fat, unfuckable and feel bad about yourself - so you pick on others.
and that is the legacy you're leaving your kids.
congratulations. you're a fucking asshole.
snaggle toothed 40 ton cow
buck toothed fat faced heifer
An obese waste of human life
You're so fat the only letters of the alphabet you know are KFC and BLT
You are so ugly that when your mama dropped you off at school she got a fine for littering.
your fat ass has more chins than a hong kong and chinese phone book put together
You should've minded your own fat ass business you Trashy gorilla looking bitch
You ought to be ashamed of you fat fugly ass self for that girl committing suicide & HOW DARE YOU, YOUR DICKWAD, ASSHOLE, SHITFACED HUSBAND AND (PROBABLY!) YOUR BUBBLE HEADED PIG OF A DEMON OFFSPRING THAT YOU CALL A DAUGHTER (she's probably so ugly that when you dropped her off at school you yourself got a fine for littering) JUSTIFIED DOING THAT TO HER (Megan)
Your family tree (must be) a cactus, because everybody on it is a prick
With a face like yours, I wish I was blind
You so fat when you jumped in the ocean the whales started singing We Are Family
You so fat, your pants size is (probably) Bitch lose some damn weight (Most are aimed at Lori the bitch Drew)Burn in HELL you fat ass whore!
Megan, sweetie I'm sorry that you're no longer with us! But I hope you're in the comfort of our Lord and Savior and I hope and pray that your family can find peace and comfort. Rest In Peace, Cutie Pie!
I know this was 9 years ago and I'm not sure how much you've changed since then. I only pray you've changed for the better. But please know Megan DID NOT have something like this coming.
As Sarah's mother you had an OBLIGATION to see to it that she learn how to deal with people properly even when they deeply offended her. Even if Megan hurt her feelings in some way intentionally(not saying she did because I don't actually know), creating a fake account and catfishing her to the point of death was not the proper way to go about handling the situation.
I really wish you would have just told your daughter that sometimes friends drift apart and not to take it personally. It should have ended there. Had your daughter come up with the prank on her own it would have still been wrong but at least people could understand the reasoning of an immature child in middle school. There's no excuse for ANY adult to partake in taking revenge on a 13 year old girl simply because she hurt your daughters feelings.
Even if Megan HAD bullied your daughter(which I honestly doubt she did or intended to) it still is no excuse for what you as an adult and a parent did to her and her family in retaliation. You should have spoken to her parents or confronted her about it. Megan no longer wanting to be friends with your daughter was not a sin and SHOULD NOT have been punishable by death! I'm sure it wasn't personal. She was an invaluable, precious soul and her life meant something to a lot of people just like Sarah's does to you. I will keep you and your family as well as the Meiers in my thoughts and prayers.
im here in 2024
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